Passive Income via the Internet – Automation and Outsourcing

Passive income means making profits without having to constantly engage your own work. Passive earning on the Internet is the slogan used by many promoters of “earning on the Internet”. 

This type of income, achieved without having to work, is the dream of most people working at home. At least I think so – because they are mine. Although passive earning has more to do with fiction and is a kind of myth repeated in paid training. It is actually possible to get temporary passive income on the Internet. 

The first step to being passive is working on the system, not the system. 

The second step is to automate the created system as much as possible – for this purpose, scripts (employees working 24/7) and outsourcing are used. 

Ideally, such a solution could earn money continuously – but ideal conditions do not exist. They are temporary. I invite you to read full article

Passive Income via the Internet - Automation and Outsourcing

Is it possible to achieve passive income on the Internet?

Most people who promote passive income focus on the temporary effect, which is the actual cash inflow without their own work. 

Such people do not mention, however, that this state of affairs does not last forever – and getting there very often requires even years of work.

Examples of passive income on the Internet include various types of interest on investments, rental income from advertising space, dividends, income from copyrights, registered patents – as well as income from affiliate networks (including profits from referrals ). So it is not true that passive earning online does not exist. 

It does exist, but it exists only temporarily – and therefore it does not meet the criteria of the most popular definition of passive income.

Earning a passive income on the Internet that will support us for a while is the most TEMPORARILY possible. 

For example, passive income from affiliate networks only exists as long as the network is operating on the market. Passive income from websites ends with the corresponding positions in search engines. 

Everything that is able to earn passive earnings for us ends after a while, depending on many different factors over which we do not have full control.

The second myth of “passive income” is our total passivity. There is a belief on the Internet that passive income will be generated by itself, without our participation. Consider, for example, profits from a website. 

Is it really so that the owner of a given website never has to do anything on it to earn money? 

I omit the issue of paying invoices for the domain / hosting, because it can actually be negligible – but what about the updates of algorithms finding positions in the google search engine? Analyzing the moves of the competition? Changing market trends? 

Even pages that fully fit into the definition of “evergreen” can be “cut” by the competition, which did not believe in passive profit and was constantly working on the development of its facilities.

Passive Income via the Internet - Automation and Outsourcing

Passive income is working on the system

In earning money via the Internet, work on the system and work in the system can be distinguished. While working on the system, we try to create the most passive source of income – and working in the system, we actively work on our own income. 

In fact, neither of these roads is better than the other – they are just different. When working actively, however, it is worth considering whether we must do all the activities ourselves – perhaps they are repetitive enough to be automated or use outsourcing services – and at the same time work on other ideas and projects. 

By giving up some of the profits made, it is very often possible to build a system similar to the temporary (because problems will always arise) of passive income.

Passive Income via the Internet - Automation and Outsourcing

Passive earning with online scripts

Surely everyone has heard that programming can help, facilitate and accelerate earning money on the Internet – how? To put it simply, it is through automation, i.e. shifting your daily duties to scripts / bots / programs. Such tools do not get tired, do not want holidays, do not complain, do what you want from them and can do it 24/7. 

Each automated activity gives us additional time to develop another method, a way of earning money via the Internet or increasing the advertising base at our disposal. 

Doing the same thing every day means you create a workplace for yourself – instead of a system that you develop to spend as little time as possible on it. 

If the earnings are satisfactory (or it seems they will be), there is absolutely nothing wrong with that – but if the earnings are weak, there is no prospect of improvement,

I will give an example of what it looked like for me (on the older example of earning on shortened links). 

In my time, I shortened the links one by one every day, which took a lot of time, so I ordered a script that shortened even several thousand. links at once. 

Following the blow of the “investment” I immediately wondered what else I do every day and is repeatable. I manually planned the posts on each fanpage separately – I ordered a script that allows you to plan posts on all fanpages at the same time.

In this way, the tedious work performed every day – because in fact you just do the same every day – can be automated and performed without our participation.

Scripts are very faithful employees, they do not need to be paid, they work without breaks, they do not strike, they are not in trade unions:>

You just need to determine WHAT we want to automate, and then try to get a tool that can do it for us, so that this time can be spend on further developing your ventures. The easiest and most accessible solution for automating repetitive activities are “macro” scripts – available for free on the Internet.

Passive Income via the Internet - Automation and Outsourcing

Passive income thanks to outsourcing

Of course, there are things that cannot be automated through programming – e.g. I will not be able to answer your mentoring questions   automatically, but I can include as many answers as possible in the guides so that in the future I can only reply with a link. 

Automation is not only programming .. it is also making your work easier by constantly reducing the time spent on it.

 For example, instead of answering the same questions every day – you can create a FAQ with answers to the most popular of them.

I believe that reducing the time spent on work (while maintaining the same results) should be one of the main goals in earning money online. Another possibility is to “hire” people who want to undertake the outsourced tasks – i.e. outsourcing. 

Such tasks include, for example, linking from SEO profiles, word of mouth marketing, comments on blogs, creating fan pages, setting up social media accounts, etc.

Here, of course, you have to be careful that the person concerned actually knows what to do – but how to find someone trusted, you can already treat him as a kind of “virtual assistant” who will do a lot for us. An example can be sales pages:

1. You design and create a website
2. You advertise – whisper (I don’t recommend commissioning other advertising methods)
3. You link (it is enough to have a prepared list of places where you want to have links from and order someone to link on the basis of the list)

Doing everything yourself .. the time when you could already work on a new niche you spend on manual linking – which can be done exactly the same by someone else. 

It is not at all expensive and does not require special skills. Surely everyone has a lot of such “automatic” activities that they do every day, instead of dealing with new ideas. I believe that it is worth shifting them outside -> then this mythical passive income will be felt periodically

Earning passive thanks to referrals in affiliate networks

Earning on affiliate networks is not only about advertising the CPA offers there. It is also possible to recommend the very possibility of earning money in a given network – with the help of the referral system. 

It is about recommending the website (as a profitable opportunity) through your unique affiliate link (reflink), and then getting a commission calculated on the earnings of people obtained in this way – purely passive in theory.

Unfortunately, I will tell you straight from the bridge – in the vast majority of cases, earning on referrals is unfortunately UNPENSABLE. Referrals change websites, quit e-earning and have variable earnings. 

I listed websites that in my opinion are suitable for earning money on referrals on the list of affiliate programs , in the last point on the list. In these websites, passive income still remains utopian – but the chances of satisfactory results at least in them are

You can read more about earning on referrals in the posts: “ Passive income from referrals in affiliate networks is a myth? ”And“ Effective ways to get active referrals in affiliate networks ”.


While earning money on the Internet, activities that you do every day will certainly start to appear – unfortunately such activities are often the cause of “standing still” or at least delaying further development. 

Automation or semi-automation (e.g. outsourcing) will give you additional time (which you have spent so far doing this manually) to work on other projects and develop new ideas. 

Programming skills or acquaintance with programmers can VERY facilitate and speed up earning money via the Internet and bring you to the mythical and fairy-tale passive income:>

If you do not program yourself, but only commission the creation of scripts. I recommend learning how to develop and graphically present algorithms. An algorithm is for a programmer what a recipe is for a cook. Such skills come in handy when working on the Internet

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